Tuesday, December 19, 2006


There was a time when I used to dream of Cameras that i would like to own, the frames i'd capture & the rest of the blah..blah.. But I couldn't afford a camera. Then came my trustry Kodak Kroma...a simple point & shoot camera that nearly redefined my existence (shall elaborate on a more opportune moment)...

Then it seemed that photography died...as a passion that is. Cameras went digital..no I am not getting into the Digital vs Manual debate here. In my opinion, digital is a great way to experiment as it saves a lot of time. Period. But with the revolution came the sharp price hike. You could not afford a decent camera for a long long time...anything over 3MPs was exorbitant and 5 MP was "way-professional"! But as it was all digital, prices tumbled soon and today its not so difficult to spot a good 8MP camera within reasonable budgets.

Digital brought in another aspect to this near-extinct..ok ok not extinct..but very niche art form. The camera phones - from radically blurry to today's MP phones, the journey has been a short one. And it managed to put a camera in the hands of all & sundry...suddenly everyone was a photographer!

It led to a lot of crap flooding web-albums, flickr & the rest, but it also opened eyes & minds of some seriously talented people who never knew that they had the eye for a frame! Its nice to see so many of my co-workers take up photography as a hobby nowadays...I couldn't imagine they would bother to spend that kinda money even just a year back!

Hmm..time i saved up some for that 400-D now...

1 comment:

Neer said...

hurray!! no prizes for same pinch!